[]Attribute Macro vessels::object


Generates an implementation of Kind for trait objects.

Annotating an object-safe trait with this macro will allow the use of trait objects constructed from that trait as Kinds. This uses the implementations of Kind for boxed dyn Fns internally and therefore only functions that return some Flatten type will result in an implementation that compiles. This is intended, synchronous returns in an RPC system are an antipattern and this system avoids them.

use vessels::object;

pub trait Object<T: Kind> {
    fn test(&self) -> Future<T>;

The above will generate an implementation of Kind for Box<dyn Object<T>> where T: Kind. Generic parameters are, as thereby evidenced, supported. Functions with between zero and sixteen arguments not including receiver are supported where all arguments implement Kind. Annotated wrapper Kinds as with the primary derive macro are not supported, though support is planned.

Associated type parameters are not permitted, they offer no advantage on trait objects as they must be statically described therein. Moreover, they would require additional parametrization of Trait which would come at an ergonomics cost without any benefit.